Exterior House Painting in Trinity, FL.
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A professional, top-quality paint job will immediately improve the value of your home. Hire us as your Trinity exterior house painting company. Our knowledge and experience will completely change your next painting project into an incredible work of art. We are as un-intrusive as possible and our painting specialists are clean and professional, we know there are many choices out there, which is why we work hard to be the best choice when it comes to choosing your next house painters.
There are several components that go into the quality that Trinity’s best painters‘ jobs are known for. It includes adequately covering all surfaces of the yard, home or office during working, thoroughly cleaning the areas on a regular basis, & treating your home as if it is our own.
What to Expect When Hiring a Trinity Exterior House Painting Contractor
1.) First, we start with pressure washing your home! A clean surface is the foundation for any long-lasting structure coating application. We use a combination of low pressure and high pressure depending upon the surface and its conditions. Lower pressure of course will not remove paint as easily as higher pressure, so we may use low to clean claps free of dirt and mildew if we are not painting them. We also prefer low to clean and restore decks and siding as it offers a safer way to clean with out damaging. We design our washing based on each project and its needs, often using multiple cleaners and pressures based on the surfaces to clean and the coatings we are to apply. We then allow proper time to dry and when in doubt we check with our meters, specifically created to test for moisture in our substrates.
2.) Once clean and dry, all areas of loose paint or coatings should be scraped and sanded. Extra sanding and smoothing can be performed for cosmetic considerations (feather or strip) if you would like. Please let us know if you desire extra sanding or preparation other than standard to be performed so we may price and perform as you would like.
3.) All loose nails are re-nailed, and older loose caulking is removed as needed.We putty all nails and caulk all seams on trim as needed to seal unsightly gaps and prevent moisture penetration; seams on claps are caulked as well for same reasons.
4.) Some older windows will require us to remove loose glazing and re-glaze as needed. Downspouts are also removed to properly paint all corners.
5.) We prime for specific reasons as well. Most of our high end coating systems are actually self priming! We prime to prevent knots from bleeding, retard tannin or cedar bleeding, or increase adhesion. There are many different reasons to prime and many primers to choose from. We identify each areas needs and prime accordingly!
6.) We can remove and replace rotted wood. We will advise on damaged wood as we come across it!
Call Parnell’s Custom Painting Today!
(727) 835-8534
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